Nyssma song list
Nyssma song list

Every student who earns a score of 98-100 must be recommended.

nyssma song list

At the conclusion of the festival, the All-State adjudicators create a rank ordered proficiency list of all students being recommended. All-State adjudicators are responsible for evaluating every All-State solo of the same instrument or voice part. The All-State selection “process” begins with the solo being evaluated by a NYSSMA Certified All-State adjudicator at one of these designated sites. Last year, 43 All-State audition sites were scheduled in schools throughout the state. These zones represent geographic areas within the state and also take into account the student populations within these zones. New York State is divided into 15 regional zones by NYSSMA. Last spring, over 6,500 sophomores and juniors from across the state of New York prepared for All-State evaluations in the hope of being selected.

nyssma song list

The All-State experience begins with a music educator, his or her student and an accompanist spending countless hours preparing a NYSSMA Level VI solo which must be selected from repertoire lists in the current manual.

nyssma song list

This article outlines the “process” used by our organization in selecting students for participation in the NYSSMA All-State performance groups. How does NYSSMA select these students? This seems like a simple question however the answer is complex. NYSSMA CONFERENCE ALL-STATE: “THE PROCESS”Įach year in late August approximately 900 students are notified that they are selected to participate in the NYSSMA Conference All-State music groups.

Nyssma song list